Giesemann Matrixx II T5 Fixture Coming Soon

When it comes to stylishly functional lighting, there are few that hold a candle to Giesemann. They’ve introduced some of the best looking light fixtures that the aquarium industry has seen, and in recent years they’ve only added to their allure with products like the Teszla and Futura LED. In keeping with the same styling cues that made those too fixtures so darn beautiful to look at, Giesemann has revamped their Matrixx T5HO fixture, giving it a very similar look.

The Giesemann Matrixx-II, this T5HO fixtures has a body made of heavy duty extruded aluminum alloy.  The fixture will be offered in an anti-corrosion anodized silver finish like the Giesemann Tesla LED fixture or you can ordered it up with a paintedhigh gloss white finish. But the corrosion protection doesn’t stop just there. Each item that makes up the outer body of the light fixture (e.g. all joints, faces, internal faces, etc.) receive the same treatment and are either anodized or painted prior to the production of the fixture.

The Matrixx II doesn’t employ all of the same run-of-the-mill products found in other T5 fixtures.  Where most other manufacturers might battle with quality versus price in an attempt to keep their products within a certain price range, Giesemann didn't cut corners on Matrixx II.  According to the German aquarium equipment producer, each Matrixx II is assembled using only the finest quality internals from ballasts, to lamp holders and wiring. The reflector, long thought to be the most important aspect of any T5HO system, is made from highly polished aluminum that is 99.8% reflective. Additionally, it was designed in such a way to maximize the light transfer back into the aquarium.  All of these internals and keeping the reflector clean is an acrylic splash guard.

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