Biotek Marine Ultimate Frag Tool Kit

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Biotek Marine Ultimate coral fragging kit for reefers!

The BioTek Marine Ultimate fragging kit consists of the essential tools to frag the wide array of corals kept in a mixed reef tank. You will have the perfect tools to quickly and precisely frag SPS, LPS, and softies!

The Biotek Marine Ultimate Coral Fragging Tool Kit for Reefers!

The Biotek Marine Fragging Tool Kit consists of the essential tools to frag the wide array of corals kept in a mixed reef tank. You will have the perfect tools to quickly and precisely frag SPS, LPS, and softies! For the larger SPS, we're including our 7" Heavy Duty Cutter (BS70). The blades are sharp and the leverage this tool offers is incredible. Place the blades approximately 1/3 into the SPS stem you'd like to frag, give it a quick twist/compression movement, and you'll have the perfect frag cut!

Fragging smaller SPS pieces or need to get in at an angle? No problem, we've included our curved 4.5" medium duty coral cutter (BSS45) for just that! This tool helps negotiate densely branched SPS and helps to make even more precise cuts. Need to frag softies? Your kit includes our 6.5" Coral Cutting Scissors(6SS). These coral scissors makes quick and true cuts through Toadstools, Mushrooms, Leathers, and Zoanthid mat giving your new coral frag the quickest healing time possible.

We've also included 10 General Scalpel blades (B10) with Scalpel Handle #3 (27) to assist in scraping loose frags such as Zoanthids or Ricordia off of their rock. A Microdissection scalpel (52) is included as well to assist in those hard to reach places. It works great to help extract nuisance algaes as well such as bubble algae. When you've got your new frag and are ready to place it on that rock or glue it to that frag plug, you'll be using either the 6" Forceps (19) or Microdissection Forceps (18) to make placement a snap and keep that glue off your fingers! Speaking of glue, we've also included a 20g tube of IC-GEL. All of this is included in an easy to carry pouch designed for this kit. After you are done fragging, rinse off your tools in fresh water (to prevent chemical residue & superficial corrosion), dry them off, and place them in your pouch. You'll know exactly where they are the next time and not have to go hunting for your fragging tools anymore!

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Manufacturer Biotek Marine
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